BridgeWay Station celebrates Grand Opening

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May 9, 2024 by Scott Crosby

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BridgeWay Station celebrates Grand Opening

On Saturday, April 27th, BridgeWay Station celebrated its Grand Opening.


The Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Included Speeches By S.C.. Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette, State Sen. Ross Turner, State Rep. Bruce Bannister, Greenville County Council Chair Dan Tripp, Mauldin Mayor Terry Merritt, And Bridgeway Station Developer Phil Hughes

BridgeWay Station is a small village within the Mauldin city limits.  It contains apartments, stores, restaurants, and more – all within walking distance.  


Bridgeway Station’s parking lots filled up early, and 
people filled the plaza

BridgeWay Station has been a dream, vision, and goal for developer Phil Hughes for many years.  Over time, Phil had purchased the land which is now BridgeWay Station, and waited patiently until he felt that the Greenville area had grown to the point where a development of this size and format would be successful.

It was a gamble, he says, but its success to date has proven him right.  On Saturday, April 27th, it was time to invite the world … and celebrate that success.

If BridgeWay Station’s architecture appears to have an Italian style, that may be a result of two years Phil Hughes spent in Italy.  The city of Florence has definitely influenced Phil’s vision.

BridgeWay Station’s Bargello Tower, says a plaque at is base, “is inspired by Palazzo del Popolo (Place of the People) – the oldest public building in Florence, Italy, built in 1255.”  That building, according to the plaque, now “houses the largest Italian collection of Gothic and Renaissance sculptures, showcasing masterpieces by renowned artists such as Donatello, Cellini, and Michaelangelo.”

So if you should spot the “David” sculpture as you walk through BridgeWay Station’s main plaza, you now will understand its connection to BridgeWay Station’s architecture.

People Walked to Bridgeway Station across the Mauldin Gateway Bridge!

Happy Birthday Vicki.
What a day to celebrate
with your Granddaughters at the 
BridgeWay Station grand opening


People arrived by the train load!

At five o’clock that evening, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was begun, when Phil Hughes stepped up to the podium.  As he talked, his enthusiasm for BridgeWay Station was clearly evident.

The speakers emphasized what a boon BridgeWay Station will be for people living in Mauldin and in Greenville County, and what an attraction it will be for out-of-town visitors.

With the speeches done, everyone gathered around for the ribbon cutting.

The cutting of the ribbon was well-coordinated, and everyone went home with a souvenir.

People in the plaza and its restaurants continued to enjoy themselves at BridgeWay Station into the evening.

BridgeWay Station may now be officially open, but construction will continue for a number of years into the future, as additional buildings and attractions are added to BridgeWay Station.  

What you see now is only the beginning!

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