Mauldin Garden Club upcoming events

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April 8, 2024 by Linda Baxter

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Mauldin Garden Club upcoming events

Mauldin Garden Club is having a Spectacular Spring Sale on Sat April 6th 9:00 – 1pm at the covered Picnic Pavillion of the Mauldin Senior Center. 203 Corn Rd Mauldin SC (next to the Open-Air Market on Butler Rd) There will be many plants, some treasures, and baked goods for sale. Stop in and learn about our club while browsing the sale. 

Are you ready to start planning your garden? This is a great time of year to sketch out your property and the garden areas around your home.  You can get an arial photo of your lot by going to enter your details and print out your site plan. By looking at your available space, direction your house faces, and the placement of trees you can determine the amount of sun each area gets per day. Use this garden layout to mark where your favorite plants are located and make decisions as to which plants need to be replaced or moved to different locations. Remember as trees grow or are removed, they will affect the amount of sun in your garden. Update this plan every couple of years to account for these changes. 

The South Atlantic Region Garden Club Convention was held in Greenville this year on March 18 and 19. Mauldin Garden Club was delighted to help with a tea and garden tour, held at Kilgore-Lewis house, honoring Carcille Burchette, SAR Director. 

The Greenville Council of Garden Clubs is holding a Spring Garden Tour May 3 and 4, 2024.There will be 7 Legacy Gardens located along Augusta Rd. Ticket price remains at $25.00 before May 3rd and $30.00 the day of the tour. Join us to view these remarkable local gardens and let them inspire you. 

To contact Mauldin Garden Club call Linda (864) 714-2298, Ann (864) 963-8267, or email us at●

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