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Money Matters

December 5, 2023 by Scott Crosby

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The GOP-controlled 2023-2024 House of Representatives is unprecedentedly on its third Speaker of the House.

Theoretically, the House may be controlled by the GOP, but in a very unusual twist, some bills have been passed by moderate Republicans in league with the Democrat minority.

The fly in the GOP’s ointment is a large bloc of ultra-conservative GOPers who call themselves the Freedom Caucus.  

For House Representatives in the Freedom Caucus, the usual “promise voters what they want to hear but once elected vote as the Party leadership dictates” is not their agenda.  They fully intend to stick to their political position, and do whatever it takes to force the Party leadership to adhere to a more freedom-oriented agenda.

S707-1.jpgThose in the Freedom Caucus have no problem bringing the Federal government to a screeching halt, if that is what it takes to achieve what voters told them to do.

The goal of Freedom Caucus members is to reduce the size, cost, and power of the Federal government.

Reducing the size of the Federal government means fewer people employed by the Federal government.  Since virtually all Federal employees believe a stronger government is a good thing, and that a bigger government helps each stay personally employed, their beliefs are pro-controls and socialist – clearly in opposition to GOPers’ political thinking.

The Democrats want more government employees.

Reducing the cost of the Federal government means a reduction in Federal spending – a necessary step towards bringing the budget under control, balancing the budget, and reducing the burgeoning Federal debt.  

The Democrats want to spend more money – regardless of the economic impact.

Reducing the cost of the Federal government also is required to lower taxes.  Lower taxes mean more money in the pockets of wage-earners and their families – a much better place for that money than in the hands of Federal bureaucrats – but also puts more money in the hands of businesses, so they can increase their productivity, and in doing so, America’s economic conditions as a whole.

Democrats ignore the costs of government actions.

Reducing the power of the Federal government means reduced oppression and greater freedom for all Americans.  

Democrats are not concerned with freedom.  Democrats want more control over your life.

“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are far more important than the wannabe goals of would-be tyrants – including those who slowly, step by step, inexorably make life ever more restrictive in increments barely enough to notice.  

That includes, for example, forcing Americans to buy more-expensive EVs.  

The Freedom Caucus knows that their efforts are necessary to keep America alive and to prevent a national death spiral.  

So if, in the name of fixing the Federal budget, the House is unable to agree on and pass a budget, and thereby results in a temporary shutdown of much of the Federal government – well, then the Freedom Caucus is achieving, at least for a temporary length of time, its goals of reducing government size, cost, and power.  

Make no mistake:  when a budget is not approved in time, the Federal government does not entirely shut down.  Taxes are still coming in, of course.  And certain essential services continue to run, such as the military and air traffic controllers.

But a great many Federal workers are furloughed.  It makes you think, does it not?  If the country keeps on running just fine with those folks furloughed, just how much do we really need each one?

Maybe what we need is for Congress to authorize a “Committee of Voters Who Are Retired from Private Industry to Evaluate Each Furloughed Job Position” – and assign them the responsibility to make a list of Federal jobs to be permanently eliminated!  

In the meantime, the House passed a “Continuing Resolution” (“CR”) on Wednesday, November 15th, and which the Senate approved the next day, to temporarily continue funding the Federal government into January (and for some functions, into February).

The House passed the CR with Democrat votes; 95 Representatives voted against the CR, including Freedom Caucus members and other conservative GOPers who wanted the CR to include spending cuts.

And so the spending continues …  and Joe Biden gets what he wants.  But Joe Biden is not worried about what he is doing to America’s future.  After all, he will not live long enough to see the impact of his wild over-spending on America’s economy.  Biden has the mind of a would-be dictator.

To see the impact of a dictator, take a look at life in any country ruled by a dictator – past or present.  You would not want to live under the conditions that inevitably result.

You and your children will have to live with the consequences of Biden’s policies, however.  Your children are too young to understand; so that makes it your responsibility to hold your House Representative’s and your Senators’ feet to the fire, and to demand that they (1) reduce Federal spending, (2) reduce the over-bloated number of Federal employees, and (3) cut Federal power and oppressive policies to ensure the freedom which is the right of you and every member of your family.

There is no magic; either you get your money, or the government does – and that second option is undeniably destructive.  It is impossible to legislate economic success – the kind of economic success which is a normal by-product of freedom.

That is politics – and all of it ultimately comes down to your family’s well-being and economic health.

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